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Order of Merit (OOM) award goes to Geoff Gillies as the season's final chapter draws to a close.

As the crisp autumn morning offered us a welcoming chill, we embarked on the closing chapter of our golfing season at Forest Hill Golf Club in Botcheston, Leicestershire, on Sunday, October 15th, 2023. Although the day began with the familiar cold touch of autumn, the sun soon made it's presence known, offering a comforting warmth and painting a canvas of beautiful golfing conditions.

Originally scheduled to unfold at Melton Mowbray Golf Club, our event took and unexpected yet fortunate turn. Maintenance work on several greens raised the air of disappointment and a strong possibility of low attendance. With timely diligence, Mick Rewilak led the charge to secure an alternative venue and thanks to his swift actions, we discovered Forest Hill, a hidden gem that exceeded our expectations and would set the stage for our final event.

For this time of year, the course was in remarkable condition, with a special nod to the impeccably maintained greens. The course layout featured four par 3's, nine par 4's and five par 5's. Water, in the form of streams and lakes, added a tactical dimension to the 12th and 18th holes. An interesting highlight was hole 14, a par 3 measuring 199 yards and bearing a stroke index of 1 - a rare sight for a par 3 to be considered the most demanding hole on the course.

The course, nestled within an undulating semi-wooded landscape, offered a beautiful yet challenging setting for golfers of all skill levels. It proved to be a day when the natural beauty of the surroundings was as captivating as the game itself.

Members seemed to relish this change of venue, and their many compliments were music to our ears. However, we'd be remiss not to mention one lighthearted complaint from our President - there was no Cask Beer available at the bar!... 😉

Now, onto the main event. Nineteen members, along with one guest and new member for next year, Shaun Strakowksi, took part in our final showdown. Seven members formed Division 1, while Division 2 saw twelve passionate participants. The field consisted of five groups of four, setting the stage for a thrilling day of competition.

In addition to the day's Open event, the annual Order of Merit (OOM) title hung in the balance. Geoff Gillies and Andrij Kaminskiy, headed the OOM leaderboard at the start of the day, engaged in a spirited duel. The climax was clear, one of them would emerge the 2023 OOM champion.

Highlights of the day included:

The Birdie pool witnessed three winners, collectively notching up six birdies. Mick Rewilak and Mick Borys claimed one each, but Stef Borys impressed all with and astonishing four birdies. Each pocketed £6.00 per birdie for their achievements.

The minor prizes saw the following victors: Mick Rewilak (Nearest Pin on Hole 4), Scott Frearson (Nearest Pin on Hole 17), Ashley Sanders (Nearest Pin in 2 on Hole 13) and big hitter Mick Borys (Longest Drive on Hole 9).

The divisional victors celebrated their achievements:

Division 1

1st Place: Stef Borys with a remarkable 35 points

2nd Place: Mick Borys with 32 points

3rd Place: Andrij Kaminskiy with 30 points

Division 2

1st place: Mick Rewilak with an amazing 44 points

2nd Place: Mick Gillies with 32 points

3rd Place: Graham Meggitt with 30 points

Mick Rewilak's impressive score not only earned him victory of Division 2 but also the coveted Open event trophy, which he was presented with by last year's winner, Mick Gillies. It was fitting that Mick Rewilak stood tall as the victor, as it was his swift actions which led to the event's relocation to Forest Hill Golf Club.

And now, the moment we've all been waiting for - the presentation of the Order of Merit (OOM) award. Geoff Gillies emerged triumphant, walking up the 18th fairway, head held up high with a sense of achievement. As he sunk his final putt, he solidified his status as the UGAGB Order of Merit champion for 2023. All present members warmly congratulated him, and last years winner our President, Roman Skalsky, presented him with the coveted shield.

With the awards concluded, it was time for our AGM, where several matters were discussed and resolutions were reached, setting the stage for 2024.

As the season's final chapter draws to a close, we extend our heartfelt thanks to all members for their support and valuable contributions throughout the season. Please keep an eye open for notifications leading up to the coming season, and enjoy a well deserved winter break. We look forward to seeing everyone at our first event of the new season in March 2024, with this and all other venues to be announced in due course.

Until then, keep those swings steady, and may the memories of the past season warm your hearts through the winter months.




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