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Mick Melnyk ‘Melly’ overall winner for second consecutive year at the Summer Classic Trophy!

It was a memorable June golf event where 20 of our members gathered at the well presented Horsforth Golf club in Leeds to compete for the Summer Classic trophy.

On this glorious day, the sun welcomed everyone with it's warm embrace and the temperature was a delightful 26 degrees, too hot for some. The course nestled in West Yorkshire countryside yet neighbouring the regions airport offered prestine fairways and greens alike. Ideal conditions for the challenge ahead.

Our members arrived around 09.30hrs for an 11:00hrs start. Bacon butties and coffee's were served before the competitors took to the first tee. Divided into four groups of three and two groups of four, one by one they drove away their initial tee shots commencing what was to be a day of camaraderie and friendly competition.

Pace of play was a subject which had recently been highlighted, so with determination, our three-ball teams glided through the course, completing their rounds in a commendable time of around 3.5 hours. The four-ball teams, wrapped up their rounds taking a little longer in approximately 4.5 hours. This improvement was noticeable and we thank all concerened for the focus they awarded to this matter, we must strive to maintain this momentum in future events.

After the round, liquid refreshment from the bar was well deserved, and as pre-planned, all members were guided into the dining room to commence the post match dinner at 16:00hrs. During this meal our President Roman Skalsky took to the floor to present various prizes. First up were the birdie winners. Six in all were each rewarded with a handsome purse of £6.00 per birdie. It was the 312-yard par 4, 13th hole, that witnessed the most trumphant putts. Mick Melnyk, Anton Sydor and Graham Meggitt all securing a birdie each on this particular hole. Coincidentally, this hole also hosted the strongly contested nearest pin in two, and it was Mick Melnyk who prevailed. his second shot soaring closer to the pin than all others.

Other remarkable achievements of the day included Anton Sydor, showcasing his precision with nearest pin, whilst Mike Bartkiw also mastered the art of accuracy, earning him a nearest of pin prize. And once again Anton Sydor gained applause, this time for a mighty swing and monster drive, winning him the longest drive on the final fairway.

So onto the major prizes. In Division Two, Mick Melnyk emerged as the victor, his remarkable performance earning him an impressive 41 points, Geoff Gillies followed closely with 39 points while Graham Meggitt's steady play secured third spot with 34 points. Division One saw a formidable Mike Bartkiw sieze first place with 38 points. This after he recently underwent an eye opertation and had to constantly wear dark glasses throughout his round. Heaven knows what standard of play he will produce when his sight fully recovers. In second place, Ashley Sanders exhibited is usual high performance buidling a commendable score of 38 points was closely persued by Andrij Kaminskiy with 33 points.

Last but by no means least, let us not forget the reigning champion, Mick "Melly" Melnyk, who for the second consecutive year, stood tall on the overall winners podium to claim the Summer Classic Trophy. His winning score of 41 points was acknowledged by all contestants with a well deserved round of applause. Mick's victory will see him promoted into Division One, as his handicap will now reduce by 4 points.

Before we conclude I would like to extend our support to Bohdan Semehen, who sent a late apology for his absence at the event, as his wife wasn't too well. Bohdan, thank your for your thoughtful notification and we send our get well wishes for her speedy recovery and hope to see you at our next event.

Let us extend our congratulations to all our winners and participants and thank them for making the journey to "Gods Own Country" and for experiencing a day of sportsmanship which was conducted in a friendly yet competitive manner.

Rate this course and consider all aspects, but mainly the course itself (great condition, very interesting), the venue and service and food.

For those that took part in this event, please could you kindly rate this course, with 5 being Excellent (I'd would definitely like to play their again, and 1 being Not Great! (I'd rather not play there again!).

Rate this Course

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Finally, our next event is the annual weekend away, at Ullersthorpe Court Hotel & Golf CLub, Leicestershire, on Friday 28th to Sunday 30th July. For those members attending, information will be posted on that event's Whatsapp group, please check regularly for updates.

May your drives be long and puts be short!



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